Automatic edges in mgmt

It’s been two months since I announced mgmt, and now it’s time to continue the story by telling you more about the design of what’s now in git master. Before I get into those details, let me quickly recap what’s happened since then.

Mgmt community recap:

Okay, time to tell you what’s new in mgmt!

Types vs. resources:

Configuration management systems have the concept of primitives for the basic building blocks of functionality. The well-known ones are “package”, “file”, “service” and “exec” or “execute”. Chef calls these “resources”, while puppet (misleadingly) calls them “types”.

I made the mistake of calling the primitives in mgmt, “types”, no doubt due to my extensive background in puppet, however this overloads the word because it usually refers to programming types, so I’ve decided not to use it any more to refer to these primitives. The Chef folks got this right! From now on they’ll be referred to as “resources” or “res” when abbreviated.

Mgmt now has: “noop“, “file“, “svc“, “exec“, and now: “pkg“…

The package (pkg) resource:

The most obvious change to mgmt, is that it now has a package resource. I’ve named it “pkg” because we hackers prefer to keep strings short. Creating a pkg resource is difficult for two reasons:

  1. Mgmt is event based
  2. Mgmt should support many package managers

Event based systems would involve an inotify watch on the rpmdb (or a similar watch on /var/lib/dpkg/), and the logic to respond to it. This engineering problem boils down to being able to support the entire matrix of possible GNU/Linux packaging systems. Yuck! Additionally, it would be particularly unfriendly if we primarily supported RPM and DNF based systems, but left the DPKG and APT backend out as “an exercise for the community”.

Therefore, we solve both of these problems by basing the pkg resource on the excellent PackageKit project! PackageKit provides the events we need, and more importantly, it supports many backends already! If there’s ever a new backend that needs to be added, you can add it upstream in PackageKit, and everyone (including mgmt) will benefit from your work.

As a result, I’m proud to announce that both Debian and Fedora, (and many other friends) all got a working pkg resource on day one. Here’s a small demo:

Run mgmt:

root@debian:~/mgmt# time ./mgmt run --file examples/pkg1.yaml 
18:58:25 main.go:65: This is: mgmt, version: 0.0.2-41-g963f025
18:18:44 pkg.go:208: Pkg[powertop]: CheckApply(true)
18:18:44 pkg.go:259: Pkg[powertop]: Apply
18:18:44 pkg.go:266: Pkg[powertop]: Set: installed...
18:18:52 pkg.go:284: Pkg[powertop]: Set: installed success!

The “powertop” package will install… Now while mgmt is still running, remove powertop:

root@debian:~# pkcon remove powertop
Resolving                     [=========================]         
Testing changes               [=========================]         
Finished                      [=========================]         
Removing                      [=========================]         
Loading cache                 [=========================]         
Running                       [=========================]         
Removing packages             [=========================]         
Committing changes            [=========================]         
Finished                      [=========================]         
root@debian:~# which powertop

It gets installed right back! Similarly, you can do it like this:

root@debian:~# apt-get -y remove powertop
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  libnl-3-200 libnl-genl-3-200
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 80 not upgraded.
After this operation, 542 kB disk space will be freed.
(Reading database ... 47528 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing powertop (2.6.1-1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
root@debian:~# which powertop

And it will also get installed right back! Try it yourself to see it happen “live”! Similar behaviour can be seen on Fedora and other distros.

As a quite aside. If you’re a C hacker, and you would like to help with the upstream PackageKit project, they would surely love your contributions, and in particular, we here working on mgmt would especially like it if you worked on any of the open issues that we’ve uncovered. In order from increasing to decreasing severity, they are: #118 (please help!), #117 (needs love), #110 (needs testing), and #116 (would be nice to have). If you’d like to test mgmt on your favourite distro, and report and fix any issues, that would be helpful too!

Automatic edges:

Since we’re now hooked into the pkg resource, there’s no reason we can’t use that wealth of knowledge to make mgmt more powerful. For example, the PackageKit API can give us the list of files that a certain package would install. Since any file resource would obviously want to get “applied” after the package is installed, we use this information to automatically generate the relationships or “edges” in the graph. This means that module authors don’t have to waste time manually adding or updating the “require” relationships in their modules!

For example, the /etc/drbd.conf file, will want to require the drbd-utils package to be installed first. With traditional config management systems, without this dependency chain, after one run, your system will not be in a converged state, and would require another run. With mgmt, since it is event based, it would converge, except it might run in a sub-optimal order. That’s one reason why we add this dependency for you automatically.

This is represented via what mgmt calls the “AutoEdges” API. (If you can think of a better name, please tell me now!) It’s also worth noting that this isn’t entirely a novel idea. Puppet has a concept of “autorequires”, which is used for some of their resources, but doesn’t work with packages. I’m particularly proud of my design, because in my opinion, I think the API and mechanism in mgmt are much more powerful and logical.

Here’s a small demo:

james@fedora:~$ ./mgmt run --file examples/autoedges3.yaml 
20:00:38 main.go:65: This is: mgmt, version: 0.0.2-42-gbfe6192
20:00:38 configwatch.go:54: Watching: examples/autoedges3.yaml
20:00:38 config.go:248: Compile: Adding AutoEdges...
20:00:38 config.go:313: Compile: Adding AutoEdge: Pkg[drbd-utils] -> Svc[drbd]
20:00:38 config.go:313: Compile: Adding AutoEdge: Pkg[drbd-utils] -> File[file1]
20:00:38 config.go:313: Compile: Adding AutoEdge: Pkg[drbd-utils] -> File[file2]
20:00:38 main.go:149: Graph: Vertices(4), Edges(3)

Here we define four resources: pkg (drbd-utils), svc (drbd), and two files (/etc/drbd.conf and /etc/drbd.d/), both of which happen to be listed inside the RPM package! The AutoEdge magic works out these dependencies for us by examining the package data, and as you can see, adds the three edges. Unfortunately, there is no elegant way that I know of to add an automatic relationship between the svc and any of these files at this time. Suggestions welcome.

Finally, we also use the same interface to make sure that a parent directory gets created before any managed file that is a child of it.

Automatic edges internals:

How does it work? Each resource has a method to generate a “unique id” for that resource. This happens in the “UIDs” method. Additionally, each resource has an “AutoEdges” method which, unsurprisingly, generates an “AutoEdge” object (struct). When the compiler is generating the graph and adding edges, it calls two methods on this AutoEdge object:

  1. Next()
  2. Test(…)

The Next() method produces a list of possible matching edges for that resource. Whichever edges match are added to the graph, and the results of each match is fed into the Test(…) function. This information is used to tell the resource whether there are more potential matches available or not. The process iterates until Test returns false, which means that there are no other available matches.

This ensures that a file: /var/lib/foo/bar/baz/ will first seek a dependency on /var/lib/foo/bar/, but be able to fall back to /var/lib/ if that’s the first file resource available. This way, we avoid adding more resource dependencies than necessary, which would diminish the amount of parallelism possible, while running the graph.

Lastly, it’s also worth noting that users can choose to disable AutoEdges per resource if they so desire. If you’ve got an idea for a clever automatic edge, please contact me, send a patch, or leave the information in the comments!


Good ideas and designs help, but contributors is what will make the project. All sorts of help is appreciated, and you can join in even if you’re not an “expert”. I’ll try and tag “easy” or “first time” patches with the “mgmtlove” tag. Feel free to work on other issues too, or suggest something that you think will help! Want to add more interesting resources! Anyone want to write a libvirt resource? How about a network resource? Use your imagination!

Lastly, thanks to both Richard and Matthias Klumpp in particular from the PackageKit project for their help so far, and to everyone else who has contributed in some way.

That’s all for today. I’ve got more exciting things coming. Please contribute!

Happy Hacking!


why linux is powerful or: how to erase half your system and then fix it

after a brief bout of stupidity i quickly realized that my makefile had gone awry and was quickly eating through my filesystem.

after ^C killing it, it seems i only took out most of /lib/* and /usr/sbin/* — who needs those anyways… apparently almost everyone.

what happened next. well it turns out i was lucky and had a few shells and a webbrowser open– attempts to launch new programs will fail, but existing programs are already loaded in memory so i was able to work.

since almost everything was broken, i first had to get dpkg and apt/apt-utils going again. after much anguish, i manually installed the missing library files and binaries from and i was on my way with apt.

if you’re manually installing files from .deb’s use:
dpkg -x <package_file.deb> outputfolder/

which will let you get in and use mv and cp to put back the missing .so files.
once some basic tools were working, you can try and fix up your tool chain doing things like:
sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package_name>

it’s good to do this to apt-utils, dpkg, and whatever other utilities are throwing library errors. the packages themselves need various utilities installed, and as you get a missing file, find out what package it needs with:
dpkg -S <filename>

my apt seems to be back, but many utilities still aren’t. finding out what should go in /lib was a little harder but i was able to get a list of packages like this:

(find out what *should* be installed)
dpkg --get-selections > installed-software

(list which files come from these packages, sort and uniq it)
dpkg -L `cat installed-software` | sort | uniq > uniq-software

(find what we deleted)
cat uniq-software | grep ^/lib/ > missing-software

(which packages does this come from, sort and uniq it. (might get too long argument list))
dpkg -S `cat missing-software` > package-list

(find the package name by itself, get rid of the colons, sort, uniq)
cat package-list | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/://' | sed -e 's/,//' | sort | uniq > reinstall-me

(do the reinstall)
sudo apt-get --reinstall install `cat reinstall-me`

at the moment this is running, and i luckily had a cd lying around to help speed up the process. use:
apt-cdrom add

(with the cd in the drive) to add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list

turns out this eventually failed with some obscure errors… it ultimately might be a more concise list if you know what got killed, but i think the sheer number of packages i messed up and that needed to get updated somehow confused apt with some cyclical cycles, and i had to go about it slightly more manually and generally.

first of all, when every i had an annoying library error, i ran this script:
in=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/://'`
fix=`dpkg -S $in | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/://'`
sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install $fix

which would reinstall the missing library. since i ended up doing this rather repetitively, it helped a lot.

secondly, i was forced to run something like this:
for i in `cat get-selections`; do
sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install $i;

which reinstalls each package. slowly after pruning the list for problem packages, and deleting the successful ones, my system came back. at one point you won’t have to run them individually, and you can run:
sudo apt-get --reinstall install `cat get-selections`

and be done! i finished with a:

and now things are looking great. luckily no important user files were squished, and hopefully this is a good reference for you. i hopefully won’t have to reference it again for all the dpkg commands i’ll forget.