Golang parallelism issues causing “too many open files” error

I’ve been hacking in golang for a while, but I’ll admit that I didn’t get too deep into some of the language nuances until more recently. Since some of them have started to bite me, here’s a little post-mortem of one of the problems I was having.

After hacking and testing code all day, I made a seemingly innocuous change, and when running my program, I saw the following error:

2015/07/10 14:34:12 too many open files

I didn’t know what I broke, but it was obviously my fault. I reverted my recent changes, but still the error persisted. Internet searches and many painful hours of debugging ensued.

I had definitely hit some sort of heisenbug.

I had definitely hit some sort of Heisenbug.

What had gone wrong? Digging around my system, I noticed something weird in my ps output:

$ ps auxww | grep go
james     3446  0.0  0.1 197392  9240 pts/4    Sl   11:48   0:00 go run ./main.go
james     3457  0.0  0.0   6268  1980 pts/4    Sl   11:48   0:00 /tmp/go-build030949627/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/event
james     3487  0.0  0.1 197392  9184 pts/4    Sl   11:49   0:00 go run ./main.go
james     3501  0.0  0.0   6268  2040 pts/4    Sl   11:49   0:00 /tmp/go-build037131602/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/event
james     3556  0.0  0.1 197392  9168 pts/4    Sl   11:49   0:00 go run ./main.go
james     3567  0.0  0.0   6268  1976 pts/4    Sl   11:49   0:00 /tmp/go-build957487534/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/event
james     3788  0.0  0.0 197392  1636 pts/4    Sl   Jul04   0:07 go run ./main.go
james     3800  0.0  0.0   5180  1944 pts/4    Sl   Jul04   0:01 /tmp/go-build552106841/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/event

Hoards and hoards of lingering go build artefacts, were still running. At one time I noticed over 42 of these! I quickly killed them all off:

# processes are named `event`, and I don't have any unrelated event processes running.
$ killall -9 event
kernel: ahh, much better! :)

Which brought my program back to life! Heisenbug gone… or was it? I soon noticed, that each time I ran my program, the left over process count would increment by one. What was causing this? After another session of debugging, I found that these leftovers were caused by a lack of clean up due to some buggy code. That buggy code is the interesting part. Let’s look at it:

for v := range obj.GetSomeChannel() {
    fmt.Printf("Processing: %v\n", v.Name)
    // BAD
    go func() {
        defer wg.Done()
        v.Start() // some method
        fmt.Printf("Finished: %v\n", v.Name)

I’m not sure how common this issue is, so if you’re not yet familiar with it, take a moment to try and figure it out.

Okay. The issue is that when you iterate through the loop, the v value which is passed in to the function (the closure) is actually referencing the memory space of v. As a result, whenever the v value changes (as it does in the loop) the v variable instantly contains the new value, and the go routine will see the value of whatever it happens to be when it uses it.

To get around this race (and it is a race) you need to copy in the value to the goroutine:

for v := range obj.GetSomeChannel() {
    fmt.Printf("Processing: %v\n", v.Name)
    // GOOD
    go func(v *Objtype) {
        defer wg.Done()
            v.Start() // some method
        fmt.Printf("Finished: %v\n", v.Name)


It so happens that v is a pointer, but that’s irrelevant. The value of the pointer still needs to be copied in to the goroutine that is being called to use it. In my case, v needs to be a pointer, because we want the same copy of our data to be used throughout the code.

Many thanks to bleidl for helping me with some of the analysis!

As a quick aside, I’m using this WaitGroup pattern, which replaced the much uglier version of this loop which I had previously written. For a language that claims to not be pattern and idiom heavy, there sure are a bunch that I’ve found so far, many of which come with gotchas.

Happy hacking!


Show the exit status in your $PS1

As an update to my earlier article, a friend gave me an idea of how to make my $PS1 even better… First, the relevant part of my ~/.bashrc:

ps1_prompt() {
	local ps1_exit=$?

	if [ $ps1_exit -eq 0 ]; then
		#ps1_status=`echo -e "\[\033[32m\]"'\$'"\[\033[0m\]"`
		ps1_status=`echo -e "\[\033[1;31m\]"'\$'"\[\033[0m\]"`


	if [ "$(__git_ps1 %s)" != '' -a "$(__git_ps1 %s)" != 'master' ]; then
		ps1_git=" (\[\033[32m\]"$(__git_ps1 "%s")"\[\033[0m\])"

	PS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]${ps1_git}${ps1_status} "

# preserve earlier PROMPT_COMMAND entries...

If you haven’t figured it out, the magic is that the trailing $ prompt gets coloured in red when the previous command exited with a non-zero value. Example:

james@computer:~$ cdmkdir /tmp/ttboj # yes, i built cdmkdir
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ false
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ echo ttboj
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ ^C
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ true
james@computer:/tmp/ttboj$ cd ~/code/puppet/puppet-gluster/
james@computer:~/code/puppet/puppet-gluster$ # hack, hack, hack...

You can still:

$ echo $?

if you want more specifics about what the exact return code was, and of course you can edit the above ~/.bashrc snippet to match your needs.

Hopefully this will help you be more productive, I know it’s helping me!

Happy hacking,


Show current git branch in PS1 when branch is not master

Short post, long command…

I’ve decided to start showing the current git branch in my PS1. However, since I don’t want to know when I’m on master, I had to write a new PS1 that I haven’t yet seen anywhere. Add the following to your .bashrc:

PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
if [ -e /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh ]; then
    . /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh
    PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w$([ "$(__git_ps1 %s)" != "" -a "$(__git_ps1 %s)" != "master" ] && (echo -e " (\[33[32m\]"$(__git_ps1 "%s")"\[33[0m\])") || echo "")\$ '

This keeps my PS1 short for when I’m hacking on personal repositories that only have a single branch. Keep in mind that you might have to change the path to git-prompt.sh depending on what OS you’re using.


james@computer:~/code/puppet$ cd puppet-gluster
james@computer:~/code/puppet/puppet-gluster$ git checkout -b cool-new-feature
Switched to a new branch 'cool-new-feature'
james@computer:~/code/puppet/puppet-gluster (cool-new-feature)$ # tada !

The branch name is coloured to match the default colours that git uses to colour branches.

Happy hacking,
