Thanking Oh-My-Vagrant contributors for version 1.0.0

The Oh-My-Vagrant project became public about one year ago and at the time it was more of a fancy template than a robust project, but 188 commits (and counting) later, it has gotten surprisingly useful and mature.

james@computer:~/code/oh-my-vagrant$ git rev-list HEAD --count
james@computer:~/code/oh-my-vagrant$ git log $(git log --pretty=format:%H|tail -1)
commit 4faa6c89cce01c62130ef5a6d5fa0fff833da371
Author: James Shubin <>
Date:   Thu Aug 28 01:08:03 2014 -0400

    Initial commit of vagrant-puppet-docker-template...
    This is an attempt to prototype a default environment for
    vagrant+puppet+docker hacking. More improvements are needed for it to be
    useful, but it's probably already useful as a reference for now.

It would be easy to take most of the credit for taking the project this far, as I’ve been responsible for about 87% of the commits, but as is common, the numbers don’t tell the whole story. It is also a bug (but hopefully just an artifact) that I’ve had such a large percentage of commits. It’s quite common for a new project to start this way, but for Free Software to succeed long-term, it’s essential that the users become the contributors. Let’s try to change that going forward.

james@computer:~/code/oh-my-vagrant$ git shortlog -s | sort -rn
   165    James Shubin
     5    Vasyl Kaigorodov
     4    Randy Barlow
     2    Scott Collier
     2    Milan Zink
     2    Christoph Görn
     2    aweiteka
     1    scollier
     1    Russell Tweed
     1    ncoghlan
     1    John Browning
     1    Flavio Fernandes
     1    Carsten Clasohm
james@computer:~/code/oh-my-vagrant$ echo '165/188*100' | bc -l

The true story behind these 188 commits is the living history of the past year. Countless hours testing the code, using the project, suggesting features, getting hit by bugs, debugging issues, patching those bugs, and so on… If you could see an accurate graph of the number of hours put into the project, you’d see a much longer list of individuals, and I would have nowhere close to 87% of that breakdown.

Contributions are important!

Contributions are important, and patches especially help. Patches from your users are what make something a community project as opposed to two separate camps of consumers and producers. It’s about time we singled out some of those contributors!

Vasyl Kaigorodov

Vasyl is a great hacker who first fixed the broken networking in OMV. Before his work merged, it was not possible to run two different OMV environments at the same time. Now networking makes a lot more sense. Unfortunately the GitHub contributors graph doesn’t acknowledge his work because he doesn’t have a GitHub account. Shame on them!

Randy Barlow (bowlofeggs)

Randy came up with the idea for “mainstream mode“, and while his initial proof of concept didn’t quite work, the idea was good. His time budget didn’t afford the project this new feature, but he has sent in some other patches including some, tweaks used by the Pulp Vagrantfile. He’s got a patch or two pending on his TODO list which we’re looking forward to, as he finishes the work to port Pulp to OMV.

Scott Collier

Scott is a great model user. He gets very enthusiastic, he’s great at testing things out and complaining if they don’t behave as he’d like, and if you’re lucky, you can brow beat him to write a quick patch or two. He actually has three commits in the project so far, which would show up correctly above if he had set his git user variables correctly ;) Thanks for spending the time to deal with OMV when there was a lot more cruft, and fewer features. I look forward to your next patch!

Milan Zink

Milan is a ruby expert who fixed the ruby xdg bugs we had in an earlier version of the project. Because of his work new users don’t even realize that there was ever an issue!

Christoph Görn

Christoph has been an invaluable promoter and dedicated user of the project. His work pushing OMV to the limit has generated real world requirements and feature requests, which have made the project useful for real users! It’s been hard to say no when he opens an issue ticket, but I’ve been able to force him to write a patch or two as well.

Russell Tweed

Russell is a new OMV user who jumped right into the code and sent in a patch for adding an arbitrary number of disks to OMV machines. As a first time contributor, I thank him for his patch and for withstanding the number of reviews it had to go through. It’s finally merged, even though we might have let one bug (now fixed) slip in too. I particularly like his patch, because I actually wrote the initial patch to add extra disks support to vagrant-libvirt, and I’m pleased to see it get used one level up!

John Browning

John actually found an edge case in the subscription manager code and after an interesting discussion, patched the issue. More users means more edge cases will fall out! Thanks John!

Flavio Fernandes

Even though Flavio is an OSX user, we’re thankful that he wrote and tested the virtualbox patch for OMV. OMV still needs an installer for OSX + mainstream mode, but once that’s done, we know the rest will work great!

Carsten Clasohm

Carsten actually wrote a lovely patch for a subtle OMV issue that is very hard to reproduce. I was able to merge his patch on the first review, and in fact it looked nicer than how I would have written it!

Nick Coghlan

Nick is actually a python hacker, so getting a ruby contribution proved a bit tricky! Fortunately, he is also a master of words, and helped clean up the documentation a bit. We’d love to get a few more doc patches if you have the time and some love!

Aaron Weitekamp

Even though aweiteka (as we call him) has only added five lines of source (2 of which were comments), he was an early user and tester, and we thank him for his contributions! Hopefully we’ll see him in our commit logs in the future!

Máirín Duffy

Máirín is a talented artist who does great work using free tools. I asked her if she’d be kind enough to make us a logo, and I’ll hopefully be able to show it to you soon!

Everyone else

To everyone else who isn’t in the commit log yet, thank you for using and testing OMV, finding bugs, opening issues and even for your social media love in getting the word out! I hope to get a patch from you soon!

The power of the unknown user

They’re sometimes hard to measure, but a recently introduced bug was reported to me independently by two different (and previously unknown) users very soon after the bug was introduced! I’m sorry for letting the bug in, but I am glad that people picked up on it so quickly! I’d love to have your help in improving our automated test infrastructure!

The AUTHORS file

Every good project needs a “hall of fame” for its contributors. That’s why, starting today there is an AUTHORS file, and if you’re a contributor, we urge you to send a one-line patch with your name, so it can be immortalized in the project forever. We could try to generate this file with git log, but that would remove the prestige behind getting your first and second patches in. If you’re not in the AUTHORS file, and you should be, send me your patch already!

Version 1.0.0

I think it’s time. The project deserves a 1.0.0 release, and I’ve now made it so. Please share and enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this project, and I look forward to receiving your patch.

Happy Hacking!


PS: Thanks to Brian Bouterse for encouraging me to focus on community, and for inspiring me to write this post!

Vagrant and Oh-My-Vagrant on RHEL7

My employer keeps paying me, which I appreciate, so it’s good to spend some time to make sure RHEL7 customers get a great developer experience! So here’s how to make vagrant, vagrant-libvirt and Oh-My-Vagrant work on RHEL 7+. The same steps should work for CentOS 7+.

I’ll first paste the commands you need to run, and then I’ll explain what’s happening for those that are interested:

# run these commands, and then get hacking!
# this requires the rhel-7-server-optional-rpms repo enabled
sudo subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
sudo yum install -y gcc ruby-devel libvirt-devel libvirt qemu-kvm
sudo systemctl start libvirtd.service
sudo yum install -y vagrant_1.7.4_x86_64.rpm
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
sudo cp -a purpleidea-vagrant-libvirt-epel-7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install -y vagrant-libvirt    # noop plugin for oh-my-vagrant dependency
sudo cp -a purpleidea-oh-my-vagrant-epel-7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install -y oh-my-vagrant
. /etc/profile.d/ # logout/login or source

Let’s go through it line by line.

sudo subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms

Make sure you have the optional repos enabled, which are needed for the ruby-devel package.

sudo yum install -y gcc ruby-devel libvirt-devel libvirt
sudo systemctl start libvirtd.service

Other than the base os, these are the dependencies you’ll need. If you have some sort of super minimal installation, and find that there is another dependency needed, please let me know and I’ll update this article. Usually libvirt is already installed, and libvirtd is started, but this includes those two operations in case they are needed.

sudo yum install -y vagrant_1.7.4_x86_64.rpm

Vagrant has finally landed in Fedora 22, but unfortunately it’s not in RHEL or any of the software collections yet. As a result, we install it from the upstream.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt

Similarly, vagrant-libvirt hasn’t been packaged for RHEL either, so we’ll install it into the users home directory via the vagrant plugin system.

sudo cp -a purpleidea-vagrant-libvirt-epel-7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install -y vagrant-libvirt    # noop plugin for oh-my-vagrant dependency

Since there isn’t a vagrant-libvirt RPM, and because the RPM’s for Oh-My-Vagrant depend on that “requires” to install correctly, I built an empty vagrant-libvirt RPM so that Oh-My-Vagrant thinks the dependency has been met in system wide RPM land, when it’s actually been met in the user specific home directory space. I couldn’t think of a better way to do this, and as a result, you get to read about the exercise that prompted my recent “empty RPM” article.

sudo cp -a purpleidea-oh-my-vagrant-epel-7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install -y oh-my-vagrant

This last part installs Oh-My-Vagrant from the COPR. There is no “dnf enable” command in RHEL, so we manually wget the repo file into place.

. /etc/profile.d/ # logout/login or source

Lastly if you’d like to reuse your current terminal session, source the /etc/profile.d/ file that is installed, otherwise close and reopen your terminal.

You’ll need to do an omv init at least once to make sure all the user plugins are installed, and you should be ready for your first vagrant up! Please note, that the above process definitely includes some dirty workarounds until vagrant is more easily consumable in RHEL, but I wanted to get you hacking earlier rather than later!

I hope this article helps you hack it out in RHEL land, be sure to read about how to build your own custom RHEL vagrant boxes too!

Happy Hacking,


Making an empty RPM

I am definitely not an RPM expert, in fact, I’m afraid of it, but with recent tools such as COPR, and my glorious Makefile, some aspects of it have become palatable. This post will be about a recent journey I had building the most useless RPM ever.

A video of what my work building this RPM looked like.

A video of my journey building this RPM.

Because of reasons, I wanted to satisfy an RPM dependency for a package that I wanted to install without rebuilding that RPM. As a result, I wanted to build as small an RPM as possible. This took me down a much longer path than I thought it would.

Step 1: The empty spec file

I thought this would be easy. It turns out it was not. Here’s what happened…

james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ cat vagrant-libvirt.spec
%global project_version 0.0.24

Name:       vagrant-libvirt
Version:    0.0.24
Release:    noop
Summary:    A fake vagrant-libvirt RPM
License:    AGPLv3+
BuildArch:  noarch

Requires:   vagrant >= 1.6.5

A fake vagrant-libvirt RPM

%setup -c -q -T -D -a 0




james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ rpmbuild -bs vagrant-libvirt.spec 
error: No "Source:" tag in the spec file

Amazingly, rpmbuild fails to build without specifying a Source0 directive. Gah… As an aside, yes the License field was also required, or it won’t build either! So let’s create a dummy RPM to use as the source!

Step 2: The empty tarball

james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ tar -cjf vagrant-libvirt-noop.tar.bz2
tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
Try 'tar --help' or 'tar --usage' for more information.

Apparently tar doesn’t want to cooperate either! Maybe these utilities have some sort of ingrained existential fear of nothingness? I can work around this though.

Step 3: The empty file

james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ echo hello > README
james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ tar -cjf vagrant-libvirt-noop.tar.bz2 README
james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ echo $?
james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ cat vagrant-libvirt.spec
%global project_version 0.0.24

Name:       vagrant-libvirt
Version:    0.0.24
Release:    noop
Summary:    A fake vagrant-libvirt RPM
License:    AGPLv3+
Source0:    vagrant-libvirt-noop.tar.bz2
BuildArch:  noarch

Requires:   vagrant >= 1.6.5

A fake vagrant-libvirt RPM

%setup -c -q -T -D -a 0





Okay great! Now to build the RPM…

Step 4: The empty RPM

james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ mkdir SOURCES
james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ mv vagrant-libvirt-noop.tar.bz2 SOURCES/
james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ rpmbuild --define "_topdir $(pwd)/" -bs vagrant-libvirt.spec
Wrote: /tmp/rpmbuild/SRPMS/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.src.rpm
james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ rpmbuild --define "_topdir $(pwd)/" -bb vagrant-libvirt.spec
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.dUivHv
+ umask 022
+ cd /tmp/rpmbuild//BUILD
+ cd /tmp/rpmbuild/BUILD
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24
+ cd vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24
+ /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /tmp/rpmbuild/SOURCES/vagrant-libvirt-noop.tar.bz2
+ /usr/bin/tar -xf -
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w .
+ exit 0
Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.kLSHn2
+ umask 022
+ cd /tmp/rpmbuild//BUILD
+ cd vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24
+ exit 0
Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.xTiM4y
+ umask 022
+ cd /tmp/rpmbuild//BUILD
+ '[' /tmp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64 '!=' / ']'
+ rm -rf /tmp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64
++ dirname /tmp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64
+ mkdir -p /tmp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT
+ mkdir /tmp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64
+ cd vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24
+ /usr/lib/rpm/ --strict-build-id -m --run-dwz --dwz-low-mem-die-limit 10000000 --dwz-max-die-limit 110000000 /tmp/rpmbuild//BUILD/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24
/usr/lib/rpm/sepdebugcrcfix: Updated 0 CRC32s, 0 CRC32s did match.
+ /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /usr/bin/strip
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile /usr/bin/python 1
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink
+ /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-java-repack-jars
Processing files: vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.noarch
Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /tmp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64
Wrote: /tmp/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.noarch.rpm
Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.0lR0a6
+ umask 022
+ cd /tmp/rpmbuild//BUILD
+ cd vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24
+ /usr/bin/rm -rf /tmp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64
+ exit 0

This worked too! It has some interesting output though…

james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ rpm -qlp RPMS/noarch/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.noarch.rpm
(contains no files)
james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ ls -lAh RPMS/noarch/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.noarch.rpm
-rw-rw-r--. 1 james 5.5K Aug 11 11:53 RPMS/noarch/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.noarch.rpm

As you can see this has created an empty RPM, but which is about 5k in size. While this worked, builds submitted in COPR don’t generate any output. I suppose this is a bug in COPR, but in the meantime, I still wanted something working. I added some nonsense to the spec file to continue.

Step 5: The final product

james@computer:/tmp/rpmbuild$ cat vagrant-libvirt.spec 
%global project_version 0.0.24

Name:       vagrant-libvirt
Version:    0.0.24
Release:    noop
Summary:    A fake vagrant-libvirt RPM
License:    AGPLv3+
Source0:    vagrant-libvirt-noop.tar.bz2
BuildArch:  noarch

Requires:   vagrant >= 1.6.5

A fake vagrant-libvirt RPM

%setup -c -q -T -D -a 0


rm -rf %{buildroot}
# _datadir is typically /usr/share/
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/vagrant-libvirt/
echo "This is a phony vagrant-libvirt package." > %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/vagrant-libvirt/README



After running the usual build commands, and sticking an SRPM up in COPR, this builds and installs as expected! Phew! There might a manual way to do this with cpio, but I wanted to use the official tools, and avoid hacking the spec.

Perhaps there is a simpler way to workaround all of this, but until I find it, I hope you’ve enjoyed my story,

Happy Hacking!


UPDATE: Reader Jan pointed out, that you could use fpm to accomplish the same thing with a one-liner. The modified one-liner is:

fpm -s empty -t rpm -d 'vagrant >= 1.6.5' -n vagrant-libvirt -v 0.0.24 --iteration noop

This is a much shorter and more elegant solution, with the one exception that fpm doesn’t currently produce SRPMS, which are needed so that a trusted build service like COPR distributes them to the users.

Here’s the full output and comparison and anyways:

james@computer:/tmp/ftest$ fpm -s empty -t rpm -d 'vagrant >= 1.6.5' -n vagrant-libvirt -v 0.0.24 --iteration noop
no value for epoch is set, defaulting to nil {:level=>:warn}
no value for epoch is set, defaulting to nil {:level=>:warn}
Created package {:path=>"vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64.rpm"}
james@computer:/tmp/ftest$ sha1sum vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64.rpm 61b1c200d2efa87d790a2243ccbc4c4ebb7ef64d  vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.x86_64.rpm
james@computer:/tmp/ftest$ sha1sum ~/code/oh-my-vagrant/extras/.rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.noarch.rpm 
5f2abb15264de6c1c7f09039945cd7bbd3a96404  /home/james/code/oh-my-vagrant/extras/.rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.24-noop.noarch.rpm

While the two sha1sums aren’t identical (probably due to timestamps or some other variant) the two RPM’s should be functionally identical.