Hybrid management of FreeIPA types with Puppet

(Note: this hybrid management technique is being demonstrated in the puppet-ipa module for FreeIPA, but the idea could be used for other modules and scenarios too. See below for some use cases…)

The error message that puppet hackers are probably most familiar is:

Error: Duplicate declaration: Thing[/foo/bar] is already declared in file /tmp/baz.pp:2; 
cannot redeclare at /tmp/baz.pp:4 on node computer.example.com

Typically this means that there is either a bug in your code, or someone has defined something more than once. As annoying as this might be, a compile error happens for a reason: puppet detected a problem, and it is giving you a chance to fix it, without first running code that could otherwise leave your machine in an undefined state.

The fundamental problem

The fundamental problem is that two or more contradictory declarative definitions might not be able to be properly resolved. For example, assume the following code:

package { 'awesome':
    ensure => present,

package { 'awesome':
    ensure => absent,

Since the above are contradictory, they can’t be reconciled, and a compiler error occurs. If they were identical, or if they would produce the same effect, then it wouldn’t be an issue, however this is not directly allowed due to a flaw in the design of puppet core. (There is an ensure_resource workaround, to be used very cautiously!)

FreeIPA types

The puppet-ipa module exposes a bunch of different types that map to FreeIPA objects. The most common are users, hosts, and services. If you run a dedicated puppet shop, then puppet can be your interface to manage FreeIPA, and life will go on as usual. The caveat is that FreeIPA provides a stunning web-ui, and a powerful cli, and it would be a shame to ignore both of these.

The FreeIPA webui is gorgeous. It even gets better in the new 4.0 release.

The FreeIPA webui is gorgeous. It even gets better in the new 4.0 release.

Hybrid management

As the title divulges, my puppet-ipa module actually allows hybrid management of the FreeIPA types. This means that puppet can be used in conjunction with the web-ui and the cli to create/modify/delete FreeIPA types. This took a lot of extra thought and engineering to make possible, but I think it was worth the work. This feature is optional, but if you do want to use it, you’ll need to let puppet know of your intentions. Here’s how…

Type excludes

In order to tell puppet to leave certain types alone, the main ipa::server class has type_excludes. Here is an excerpt from that code:

# special
# NOTE: host_excludes is matched with bash regexp matching in: [[ =~ ]]
# if the string regexp passed contains quotes, string matching is done:
# $string='"hostname.example.com"' vs: $regexp='hostname.example.com' !
# obviously, each pattern in the array is tried, and any match will do.
# invalid expressions might cause breakage! use this at your own risk!!
# remember that you are matching against the fqdn's, which have dots...
# a value of true, will automatically add the * character to match all.
$host_excludes = [],       # never purge these host excludes...
$service_excludes = [],    # never purge these service excludes...
$user_excludes = [],       # never purge these user excludes...

Each of these excludes lets you specify a pattern (or an array of patterns) which will be matched against each defined type, and which, if matched, will ensure that your type is not removed if the puppet definition for it is undefined.

Currently these type_excludes support pattern matching in bash regexp syntax. If there is a strong demand for regexp matching in either python or ruby syntax, then I will add it. In addition, other types of exclusions could be added. If you’d like to exclude based on some types value, creation time, or some other property, these could be investigated. The important thing is to understand your use case, so that I know what is both useful and necessary.

Here is an example of some host_excludes:

class { '::ipa::server':
    host_excludes => [
        "'foo-42.example.com'",                  # exact string match
        '"foo-bar.example.com"',                 # exact string match
        "^[a-z0-9-]*\\-foo\\.example\\.com$",    # *-foo.example.com or:
        "^foo\\-[0-9]{1,}\\.example\\.com"       # foo-<\d>.example.com

This example and others are listed in the examples/ folder.

Type modification

Each type in puppet has a $modify parameter. The significance of this is quite simple: if this value is set to false, then puppet will not be able to modify the type. (It will be able to remove the type if it becomes undefined, which is what the type_excludes mentioned above is used for.)

This $modify parameter is particularly useful if you’d like to define your types with puppet, but allow them to be modified afterwards by either the web-ui or the cli. If you change a users phone number, and this parameter is false, then it will not be reverted by puppet. The usefulness of this field is that it allows you to define the type, so that if it is removed manually in the FreeIPA directory, then puppet will notice its absence, and re-create it with the defaults you originally defined.

Here is an example user definition that is using $modify:

ipa::server::user { 'arthur@EXAMPLE.COM':
    first => 'Arthur',
    last => 'Guyton',
    jobtitle => 'Physiologist',
    orgunit => 'Research',
    #modify => true, # optional, since true is the default

By default, in true puppet style, the $modify parameter defaults to true. One thing to keep in mind: if you decide to update the puppet definition, then the type will get updated, which could potentially overwrite any manual change you made.

Type watching

Type watching is the strict form of type modification. As with type modification, each type has a $watch parameter. This also defaults to true. When this parameter is true, each puppet run will compare the parameters defined in puppet with what is set on the FreeIPA server. If they are different, then puppet will run a modify command so that harmony is reconciled. This is particularly useful for ensuring that the policy that you’ve defined for certain types in puppet definitions is respected.

Here’s an example:

ipa::server::host { 'nfs':    # NOTE: adding .${domain} is a good idea....
    domain => 'example.com',
    macaddress => "00:11:22:33:44:55",
    random => true,        # set a one time password randomly
    locality => 'Montreal, Canada',
    location => 'Room 641A',
    platform => 'Supermicro',
    osstring => 'RHEL 6.6 x86_64',
    comment => 'Simple NFSv4 Server',
    watch => true,    # read and understand the docs well

If someone were to change one of these parameters, puppet would revert it. This detection happens through an elaborate difference engine. This was mentioned briefly in an earlier article, and is probably worth looking at if you’re interested in python and function decorators.

Keep in mind that it logically follows that you must be able to $modify to be able to $watch. If you forget and make this mistake, puppet-ipa will report the error. You can however, have different values of $modify and $watch per individual type.

Use cases

With this hybrid management feature, a bunch of new use cases are now possible! Here are a few ideas:

  • Manage users, hosts, and services that your infrastructure requires, with puppet, but manage non-critical types manually.
  • Manage FreeIPA servers with puppet, but let HR manage user entries with the web-ui.
  • Manage new additions with puppet, but exclude historical entries from management while gradually migrating this data into puppet/hiera as time permits.
  • Use the cli without fear that puppet will revert your work.
  • Use puppet to ensure that certain types are present, but manage their data manually.
  • Exclude your development subdomain or namespace from puppet management.
  • Assert policy over a select set of types, but manage everything else by web-ui and cli.

Testing with Vagrant

You might want to test this all out. It’s all pretty automatic if you’ve followed along with my earlier vagrant work and my puppet-gluster work. You don’t have to use vagrant, but it’s all integrated for you in case that saves you time! The short summary is:

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/purpleidea/puppet-ipa
$ cd puppet-ipa/vagrant/
$ vs
$ # edit puppet-ipa.yaml (although it's not necessary)
$ # edit puppet/manifests/site.pp (optionally, to add any types)
$ vup ipa1 # it can take a while to download freeipa rpm's
$ vp ipa1 # let the keepalived vip settle
$ vp ipa1 # once settled, ipa-server-install should run
$ vfwd ipa1 80:80 443:443 # if you didn't port forward before...
# echo '   ipa1.example.com ipa1' >> /etc/hosts
$ firefox https://ipa1.example.com/ # accept self-sign https cert


Sorry that I didn’t write this article sooner. This feature has been baked in for a while now, but I simply forgot to blog about it! Since puppet-ipa is getting quite mature, it might be time for me to create some more formal documentation. Until then,

Happy hacking,



Hiera data in modules and OS independent puppet

Earlier this year, R.I.Pienaar released his brilliant data in modules hack, a few months ago, I got the chance to start implementing it in Puppet-Gluster, and today I have found the time to blog about it.

What is it?

R.I.’s hack lets you store hiera data inside a puppet module. This can have many uses including letting you throw out the nested mess that is commonly params.pp, and replace it with something file based that is elegant and hierarchical. For my use case, I’m using it to build OS independent puppet modules, without storing this data as code. The secondary win is that porting your module to a new GNU/Linux distribution or version could be as simple as adding a YAML file.

How does it work?

(For the specifics on the hack in general, please read R.I. Pienaar’s blog post. After you’re comfortable with that, please continue…)

In the hiera.yaml data/ hierarchy, I define an OS / version structure that should probably cover all use cases. It looks like this:

- params/%{::osfamily}/%{::operatingsystem}/%{::operatingsystemrelease}
- params/%{::osfamily}/%{::operatingsystem}
- params/%{::osfamily}
- common

At the bottom, you can specify common data, which can be overridden by OS family specific data (think RedHat “like” vs. Debian “like”), which can be overridden with operating system specific data (think CentOS vs. Fedora), which can finally be overridden with operating system version specific data (think RHEL6 vs. RHEL7).

Grouping the commonalities near the bottom of the tree, avoids duplication, and makes it possible to support new OS versions with fewer changes. It would be especially cool if someone could write a script to refactor commonalities downwards, and to refactor new uniqueness upwards.

This is an except of the Fedora specific YAML file:

gluster::params::package_glusterfs_server: 'glusterfs-server'
gluster::params::program_mkfs_xfs: '/usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs'
gluster::params::program_mkfs_ext4: '/usr/sbin/mkfs.ext4'
gluster::params::program_findmnt: '/usr/bin/findmnt'
gluster::params::service_glusterd: 'glusterd'
gluster::params::misc_gluster_reload: '/usr/bin/systemctl reload glusterd'

Since we use full paths in Puppet-Gluster, and since they are uniquely different in Fedora (no more: /bin) it’s nice to specify them all here. The added advantage is that you can easily drop in different versions of these utilities if you want to test a patched release without having to edit your system utilities. In addition, you’ll see that the OS specific RPM package name and service names are in here too. On a Debian system, they are usually different.


This depends on Puppet >= 3.x and having the puppet-module-data module included. I do so for integration with vagrant like so.

Should I still use params.pp?

I think that this answer is yes. I use a params.pp file with a single class specifying all the defaults:

class gluster::params(
    # packages...
    $package_glusterfs_server = 'glusterfs-server',

    $program_mkfs_xfs = '/sbin/mkfs.xfs',
    $program_mkfs_ext4 = '/sbin/mkfs.ext4',

    # services...
    $service_glusterd = 'glusterd',

    # misc...
    $misc_gluster_reload = '/sbin/service glusterd reload',

    # comment...
    $comment = ''
) {
    if "${comment}" == '' {
        warning('Unable to load yaml data/ directory!')

    # ...


In my data/common.yaml I include a bogus comment canary so that I can trigger a warning if the data in modules module isn’t working. This shouldn’t be a fail as long as you want to allow backwards compatibility, otherwise it should be! The defaults I use correspond to the primary OS I hack and use this module with, which in this case is CentOS 6.x.

To use this data in your module, include the params.pp file, and start using it. Example:

include gluster::params
package { "${::gluster::params::package_glusterfs_server}":
    ensure => present,

Unfortunately the readability isn’t nearly as nice as it is without this, however it’s an essential evil, due to the puppet language limitations.

Common patterns:

There are a few common code patterns, which you might need for this technique. The first few, I’ve already mentioned above. These are the tree layout in hiera.yaml, the comment canary, and the params.pp defaults. There’s one more that you might find helpful…

The split package pattern:

Certain packages are split into multiple pieces on some operating systems, and grouped together on others. This means there isn’t always a one-to-one mapping between the data and the package type. For simple cases you can use a hiera array:

# this hiera value could be an array of strings...
package { $::some_module::params::package::some_package_list:
    ensure => present,
    alias => 'some_package',
service { 'foo':
    require => Package['some_package'],

For this to work you must always define at least one element in the array. For more complex cases you might need to test for the secondary package in the split:

if "${::some_module::params::package::some_package}" != '' {
    package { "${::some_module::params::package::some_package}":
        ensure => present,
        alias => 'some_package', # or use the $name and skip this

service { 'foo':
    require => "${::some_module::params::package::some_package}" ? {
        '' => undef,
        default => Package['some_package'],

This pattern is used in Puppet-Gluster in more than one place. It turns out that it’s also useful when optional python packages get pulled into the system python. (example)

Hopefully you found this useful. Please help increase the multi-os aspect of Puppet-Gluster by submitting patches to the YAML files, and by testing it on your favourite GNU/Linux distro!

Happy hacking!


EDIT: I’ve updated the article to use the new recommended directory naming convention of ‘params’ instead of ‘tree’. Example.

Finding YAML errors in puppet

I love tabs, they’re so much easier to work with, but YAML doesn’t like them. I’m constantly adding them in accidentally, and puppet’s error message is a bit cryptic:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: malformed format string - %S at /etc/puppet/manifests/foo.pp:18 on node bar.example.com

This happens during a puppet run, which in my case loads up YAML files. The tricky part was that the error wasn’t at all related to the foo.pp file, it just happened to be the first time hiera was run. So where’s the real error?

$ cd /etc/puppet/hieradata/; for i in `find . -name '*.yaml'`; do echo $i; ruby -e "require 'yaml'; YAML.parse(File.open('$i'))"; done

Run this one liner on your puppetmaster, and hiera should quickly point out which files have errors, and exactly which lines (and columns) they’re on.

Happy hacking,



Automatic hiera lookups in puppet 3.x

Dear readers,

I’ve started the slow migration of code from puppet 2.6 all the way to 3.x+. There were a few things I wasn’t clear on, so hopefully this will help to discuss these and make your migration easier!

I used hiera in 2.6, and I actually like it a lot so far. I was concerned that automatic lookups would pull in values that I wasn’t expecting. This is not the case or a worry. Let’s dive in and let the code speak:

# create a class in a module or site.pp for testing...
class foo(
        $a = 'apple',
        $b = 'banana'
) {
        notify { 'foo':
                message => "a is: ${a}, b is: ${b}",


# define it using :: as a prefix because we want to search in the
# top level, module namespace. optional if we only have one foo.
class { '::foo':


# /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml
        - yaml

        - globals
        - whatever
        - youlike

        :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata/


# /etc/puppet/hieradata/whatever.yaml (because of - whatever above)
foo::a: 'somevalue' # this many colons is actually valid syntax
dude: 'sweet'

will produce:

Notice: a is somevalue, b is: banana
Notice: Finished catalog run in 3.14159265359 seconds

This is the automatic lookup. You probably have zero risk of collision with earlier data in your hiera yaml files, because these lookups use keys that match the classname::paramname pattern. If you had used :: (double colons) in your keys before, then you’re insane, and you should check for any collisions! The downside to this is that my whatever.yaml looks awkward with all those colons, but I got over that very quickly.

The full lookup order is first:

# directly specified values first (of course)
class { '::foo':
        a => 'this value is used first if set.',

and then:

# values matching an appropriate yaml key:
foo::a: 'this value is used next if found.'

and finally:

class foo(
        $a = 'this parameter default value is used last.'
        $b = 'b is still for banana...'
) {
        # do stuff...

all as detailed in: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/11608. Finding this link and setting me down the path to knowledge was all thanks to eric0 in #puppet. Thanks Eric!

Make sure to reload your puppetmaster after you make any changes to /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml, and as always:

Happy hacking,


SElinux causes pain when using puppet 2.x with hiera

So hiera wasn’t working when used through my puppetmaster. It worked perfectly when I was running my scripts manually with: puppet apply site.pp but the moment I switched over to regular puppetmasterd usage, everything went dead.

I realized a while back, that I could always expect some hiera failures from time to time. Whether this is hiera’s fault or not is irrelevant, the relevant part is that I quickly added:

$test = hiera('test', '')    # expects: 'Hiera is working!'
if "${test}" == '' {
    fail('The hiera function is not working as expected!')

to my site.pp and now I don’t risk breaking/changing a node because some data is missing. Naturally you’ll need to add a little message in your globals.yaml or similar. If you’re really cautious, you could change the above to an inequality and have your code “expect” a magic message.

To continue with the story, blkperl from #puppet recommended that I try running puppetmasterd manually to watch for any messages it might print. To my surprise, things started working! This just shows you how helpful it is to have a second set of eyes to help you on your way. So why did this work ?

To make a long story short, after following a few dead ends, it hit me, and so I looked in /var/log/audit/audit.log:

type=AVC msg=audit(1358404083.789:55416): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=13830 comm="puppetmasterd" path="/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml" dev=dm-0 ino=18613624 scontext=unconfined_u:system_r:puppetmaster_t:s0 tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0 tclass=file

to find that selinux was once again causing me pain. When I had started puppetmasterd manually, I was root, which allowed me to bypass selinux rules. Sadly, I like selinux, but since I’m not nearly clever enough to want to learn how to fix this the right way, it just got disabled on another one of my machines.


restorecon -v /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml

fixed the bad selinux context I had on that file.

Hope this saves you some time and,

Happy hacking,


Dynamically including classes in puppet

As you might already know, I like pushing the boundaries of what puppet is able to do. Today, I realized that I needed to include a class by variable name. A simple way to do this is possible with:

$foo = 'world'
class { "hello::${foo}::params":

I then realized that you could also do this with the standard include keyword:

$foo = 'world'
include "hello::${foo}::params"

If you’re really insane enough to need to have your include depend on a variable, then this should suit your needs. The advantage of the second form is that if that statement appears more than once, you won’t cause a “duplicate definition” error.

Recently, I’ve been playing around with hiera. For completeness, I will mention one more form. It turns out that the hiera puppet functions offer a hiera_include function. As with all the hiera functions, the second argument lets you specify a default:

$foo = 'world'
hiera_include('...', "hello::${foo}::params")

which finishes off the trilogy. Hope this was useful, now start getting creative and

Happy hacking,
