Linuxcon day three, Wednesday

After hacking away on Monday and Tuesday and meeting fellow nerds IRL, I’ve landed even more changes to puppet-gluster. My git master branch now sits at 47 commits.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'puppet-gluster'...
remote: Counting objects: 317, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (144/144), done.
remote: Total 317 (delta 187), reused 275 (delta 148)
Receiving objects: 100% (317/317), 82.17 KiB | 12.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (187/187), done.
$ cd puppet-gluster/
$ git log | grep '^commit' | wc -l
$ git log | head
commit fa3fd2eb4bab499031274e0918a40e7a99fe0086
Author: James Shubin <hidden>
Date:   Wed Sep 18 17:53:13 2013 -0400

    Added fancy volume creation.
    This moves the command into a separate file. This also adds temporary
    saving of stdout and stderr to /tmp for easy debugging of command

As you can see above, volume creation is now “fancier” and more robust. In case things go wrong, it’s easy to get fast access to gluster command line output (saved in /tmp/), and the volume creation commands are individually stored in your puppet-gluster working directory. Usually this is /var/lib/puppet/tmp/gluster/, and each volume creation command is in the volume subdirectory.

I also met gluster expert Joe Julian. He’s been recently hired at Rackspace. Congratulations Joe. We talked about puppet and gluster, and is very knowledgeable about gluster internals and PRN source diving.

I was interviewed by Aaron Delp and Brian Gracely, on The Cloudcast. These two gentlemen are a pleasure to sit and chat with. Check out their podcast. We talked about puppet, gluster, puppet-gluster and how to dive in. Feel free to comment or email me if you have any questions about something that we didn’t cover in the interview.

All week, I’ve been hacking along side Jayneil Dalal in the speaker room. He was kind enough to give me a Beagle Bone black! Where will its hack potential take you? Two features which are particularly useful are on-board Ethernet, and 2GB of flash storage. He’s at the conference showing off some Minnow boards. They’ve got an Intel atom chip on board if you need something a little beefier.

I’m giving my puppet-gluster talk tomorrow (Thursday) here at Linuxcon! I hope you can make it. I’ll even have a live demo. Until then,

Happy hacking,


Linuxcon day two, Tuesday

Continuing on from yesterday, I’ve met even more interesting people. I chatted with Dianne Mueller about some interesting ideas for gluster+openshift. More to come on that front soon. Hung out with Jono Bacon and talked a bit about puppet-gluster on Ubuntu. If there is interest in the community for this, please let me know. Thanks to John Mark Walker and RedHat for sponsoring me and introducing me to many of these folks. Hello to all the others that I didn’t mention.

On the hacking side of things, I added proper xml parsing, and a lot of work on fancier firewalling to puppet-gluster. At the moment, here’s how the firewall support works:

  1. Initially, each host doesn’t know about the other nodes.
  2. Puppet runs and each host exports host information to each other node. This opens up the firewall for glusterd so that the hosts can peer.
  3. Now that we know which hosts are in a common pool, we can open up the firewall for each volume’s bricks. Since the volume has not yet been started (or even created) we can’t know which ports are needed, so all incoming ports are permitted from other gluster nodes.
  4. Once the volume is created, and started, the TCP port information will be available, and can be consumed as facts. These facts then refine the previously defined firewall rules, to only allow the needed ports.
  5. Your white-listed firewall setup is now complete.
  6. For users who wish to avoid using this module to configure your firewall, you can set shorewall => false in your gluster::server class. If you want to specify the allowed ip access control manually, that is possible too.

I hope you find this useful. I know I do. Let me know, and

Happy Hacking,


Linuxcon day one, Monday

I’m here in New Orleans at Linux Con, hacking on puppet-gluster and talking to lots of interesting folks. I’ve met gluster hacker Theron Conrey, and my host John Mark Walker, Fedora and Raspberry Pi experts Spot and Ruth Suehle, and many others too.

The hotel is very nice. The bathroom sink has two taps of course, but both of them are hot. The New Orleans heat is probably the cause of this.

I’m hacking at full speed to get some new features and testing in before my talk on Thursday. I’ve been reworking the simple firewall support in my puppet module. For those that want automated and correct firewall configuration, expect some improvements soon.

I also pushed some work on property management for gluster volumes. This commit adds a list of all available gluster properties. The patch is still missing type information for many of them, because I haven’t yet tested each one, but if there are some you’d like to use, please let me know. This is easy to patch.

More code is landing soon. Don’t be afraid to contact me if you’re not sure how to get started with puppet gluster, or if there’s a use case that I am not currently solving.

Happy Hacking,


PS: Sorry I published this late!

New puppet-gluster features before Linuxcon

Hey there,

I’ve done a bit of puppet-gluster hacking lately to try to squeeze some extra features and testing in before Linuxcon. Here’s a short list:

If there are features or bugs that you’d like to see added or removed (respectively) please let me know ASAP so that I can try to get something ready for you before my Linuxcon talk. I also don’t have any hardware RAID or physical hardware to test external storage partitions (bricks) on. If you have any that you can donate or let me hack on for a while, there are some features I’d like to test. Contact me!

I’ve got a few more things queued up too, but you’ll have to wait and see. Until then,

Happy hacking,


Puppet-Gluster and me at Linuxcon

John Mark Walker, (from Redhat) has been kind enough to invite me to speak at the Linuxcon Gluster Workshop in New Orleans. I’ll be speaking about puppet-gluster, giving demos, and hopefully showing off some new features. I’m also looking forward to meeting up with gluster expert Joe Julian.

If there are features that puppet-gluster is missing, or you have a use case that I haven’t covered, please let me know, and I’ll try to work on it for you ahead of the conference. If you want to meet up for some puppet-gluster help, or to hack on code, I’ll be around from the 16th to the 20th of September. My talk is on the 19th.

Special thanks to John Mark and Redhat for sponsoring this trip. Without them, none of this would be possible.

Happy hacking,
