Securely managing secrets for FreeIPA with Puppet

Configuration management is an essential part of securing your infrastructure because it can make sure that it is set up correctly. It is essential that configuration management only enhance security, and not weaken it. Unfortunately, the status-quo of secret management in puppet is pretty poor.

In the worst (and most common) case, plain text passwords are found in manifests. If the module author tried harder, sometimes these password strings are pre-hashed (and sometimes salted) and fed directly into the consumer. (This isn’t always possible without modifying the software you’re managing.)

On better days, these strings are kept separate from the code in unencrypted yaml files, and if the admin is smart enough to store their configurations in git, they hopefully separated out the secrets into a separate repository. Of course none of these solutions are very convincing to someone who puts security at the forefront.

This article describes how I use puppet to correctly and securely setup FreeIPA.


FreeIPA is an excellent piece of software that combines LDAP and Kerberos with an elegant web ui and command line interface. It can also glue in additional features like NTP. It is essential for any infrastructure that wants single sign on, and unified identity management and security. It is a key piece of infrastructure since you can use it as a cornerstone, and build out your infrastructures from that centrepiece. (I hope to make the puppet-ipa module at least half as good as what the authors have done with FreeIPA core.)


Passing a secret into the FreeIPA server for installation is simply not possible without it touching puppet. The way I work around this limitation is by generating the dm_password on the FreeIPA server at install time! This typically looks like:

/usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --hostname='' --domain='' --realm='EXAMPLE.COM' --ds-password=`/usr/bin/pwgen 16 1 | /usr/bin/tee >( /usr/bin/gpg --homedir '/var/lib/puppet/tmp/ipa/gpg/' --encrypt --trust-model always --recipient '24090D66' > '/var/lib/puppet/tmp/ipa/gpg/dm_password.gpg' ) | /bin/cat | /bin/cat` --admin-password=`/usr/bin/pwgen 16 1 | /usr/bin/tee >( /usr/bin/gpg --homedir '/var/lib/puppet/tmp/ipa/gpg/' --encrypt --trust-model always --recipient '24090D66' > '/var/lib/puppet/tmp/ipa/gpg/admin_password.gpg' ) | /bin/cat | /bin/cat` --idstart=16777216 --no-ntp --selfsign --unattended

This command is approximately what puppet generates. The interesting part is:

--ds-password=`/usr/bin/pwgen 16 1 | /usr/bin/tee >( /usr/bin/gpg --homedir '/var/lib/puppet/tmp/ipa/gpg/' --encrypt --trust-model always --recipient '24090D66' > '/var/lib/puppet/tmp/ipa/gpg/dm_password.gpg' ) | /bin/cat | /bin/cat`

If this is hard to follow, here is the synopsis:

  1. The pwgen command is used generate a password.
  2. The password is used for installation.
  3. The password is encrypted with the users GPG key and saved to a file for retrieval.
  4. The encrypted password is (optionally) sent out via email to the admin.

Note that the email portion wasn’t shown since it makes the command longer.

Where did my GPG key come from?

Any respectable FreeIPA admin should already have their own GPG key. If they don’t, they probably shouldn’t be managing a security appliance. You can either pass the public key to gpg_publickey or specify a keyserver with gpg_keyserver. In either case you must supply a valid recipient (-r) string to gpg_recipient. In my case, I use my keyid of 24090D66, which can be used to find my key on the public keyservers. In either case, puppet knows how to import it and use it correctly. A security audit is welcome!

You’ll be pleased to know that I deliberately included the options to use your own keyserver, or to specify your public key manually if you don’t want it stored on any key servers.

But, I want a different password!

It’s recommended that you use the secure password that has been generated for you. There are a few options if you don’t like this approach:

  • The puppet module allows you to specify the password as a string. This isn’t recommended, but it is useful for testing and compatibility with legacy puppet environments that don’t care about security.
  • You can use the secure password initially to authenticate with your FreeIPA server, and then change the password to the one you desire. Doing this is outside the scope of this article, and you should consult the FreeIPA documentation.
  • You can use puppet to regenerate a new password for you. This hasn’t been implemented yet, but will be coming eventually.
  • You can use the interactive password helper. This takes the place of the pwgen command. This will be implemented if there is enough demand. During installation, the admin will be able to connect to a secure console to specify the password.

Other suggestions will be considered.

What about the admin password?

The admin_password is generated following the same process that was used for the dm_password. The chance that the two passwords match is probably about:

1/((((26*2)+10)^16)^2) = ~4.4e-58

In other words, very unlikely.

Testing this easily:

Testing this out is quite straightforward. This process has been integrated with vagrant for easy testing. Start by setting up vagrant if you haven’t already:

Vagrant on Fedora with libvirt (reprise)

Once you are comfortable with vagrant, follow these steps for using Puppet-IPA:

git clone --recursive
cd vagrant/
vagrant status
# edit the puppet-ipa.yaml file to add your keyid in the recipient field
# if you do not add a keyid, then a password of 'password' will be used
# this default is only used in the vagrant development environment
vagrant up puppet
vagrant up ipa

You should now have a working FreeIPA server. Login as root with:

vscreen root@ipa


Hope you enjoyed this.

Happy hacking,



first release of puppet-shorewall

Oh, hi there.

In case you’re interested, I’ve just made a first release of my puppet-shorewall module. This isn’t meant as an exhaustive shorewall module, but it does provide most of the usual functionality that most users need.

In particular, it’s the module dependency that I use for many of my other puppet modules that provide firewalling. This is probably where you’re most likely to consume it.

In general most modules just implement shorewall::rule, so if you really don’t want to use this code, you can implement that signature yourself, or not use automatic firewalling. The shorewall::rule type has two main signatures, so have a look at the source, or a simple example if you want to get more familiar with the specifics. Using this module is highly recommended, specifically with puppet-gluster.

Please keep in mind that since I mostly use this module to open ports and to keep my other modules happy, I probably don’t have advanced traffic control features on my roadmap. If you’re looking for something that I haven’t added, contact me with the details and consider sponsoring some features.

Happy hacking,


a puppet-ipa user type and a new difference engine

A simple hack to add a user type to my puppet-ipa module turned out to cause quite a stir. I’ve just pushed these changes out for your testing:

3 files changed, 1401 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)

You should now have a highly capable user type, along with some quick examples.

I’ve also done a rewrite of the difference engine, so that it is cleaner and more robust. It now uses function decorators and individual function comparators to help wrangle the data into easily comparable forms. This should make adding future types easier, and less error prone. If you’re not comfortable with ruby, that’s okay, because it’s written in python!

Have a look at the commit message, and please test this code and let me know how it goes.

Happy hacking,


PS: This update also adds server configuration globals management which you may find useful. Not all keys are supported, but all the framework and placeholders have been added.


Playing with FreeIPA and puppet

So I just rolled a new vm to hack around with FreeIPA. Here are some things that I’ve come across so far. I was planning on configuring LDAP, and Kerberos manually, but the included webui looks like a lovely tool to have for the data entry, user administrator type who likes to click on things. Let’s explore…


FreeIPA is choosy about how your /etc/hosts is formatted. It requires an entry that has a particular order, that is:    ipa

Obviously replace with your own values. This presents itself as:

The host name does not match the primary host name ipa. Please check /etc/hosts or DNS name resolution

I had to dive into the source to figure this one out!


I’m in hack mode, and my laptop (hack station) is not participating in the domain that I’m pretending to manage. In addition, I’m not directly connected to the vm where I’m testing out FreeIPA. As usual, I port forward:

$ ssh root@ipa -L 1443:localhost:443

but when attempting to try the webui:

$ firefox https://localhost:1443/ipa/ui/

I get redirected to the official fqdn, and at port 443. After searching around, it turns out there is a: –no-ui-redirect option that you can pass to the ipa-server-install program, but it only comments out one line of the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-rewrite.conf and doesn’t let me do exactly what I want. I’m sure someone with pro apache skills could hack this up properly, but I haven’t the patience.

As user ab in #freeipa kindly pointed out:

01:21 < ab> primary authentication method of web ui is Kerberos. 
            Your browser, when configured, will need to obtain a kerberos 
            ticket against web ui's server, that's why you're forced to connect 
            to fully qualified hostname
01:22 < ab> otherwise a browser would attempt to obtain ticket to 
            HTTP/localhost@REALM which does not exist
01:22 < ab> and wouldn't be what web server web ui is running on is using

which is a good point. For hacking purposes, I’m happy to forgo kerberos logins and type in a password manually, but since my use case is particularly small, I’ll just hack around this for now, and maybe a future FreeIPA will get this option. At the moment, it’s not supported.

A bad hacker could modify their /etc/hosts to include: ipa localhost.localdomain localhost

and run ssh as root (very bad!):

$ sudo ssh root@ipa -L 443:localhost:443 -L 80:localhost:80

to get easily get access locally. But don’t do this. It’s evil.

inactivity timeouts:

The web ui times out after 20 minutes. To increase this add:

session_auth_duration=42 minutes

to your /etc/ipa/default.conf, and restart httpd. You can have a look at the parser for an idea of what kind of values are acceptable.


As you might agree, it’s nice to have puppet modules to get you up and running. FreeIPA was easy to install, and my puppet module now makes it automatic. I’ve written a lot of fancy puppet code to manage your IPA resources. It’s not quite finished, and more resource types are on the way, but you can follow along at:

Happy hacking,
