Upcoming speaking In Hong Kong and South Africa

I’m thrilled to tell you that I’ll be speaking about mgmt in Hong Kong and South Africa. It will be my first time to both countries and my first time to Asia and Africa!

In Hong Kong I’ll be speaking at HKOSCon2016.

In South Africa I’ll be speaking at DebConf16.

I’m looking forward to meeting with many of the hard-working Debian hackers, and collaborating with them to build and promote excellent Free Software. The mgmt project considers both Fedora and Debian to be first class platforms, and parity is a primary design goal.

I’ll be presenting and demoing many of the new features in mgmt. If you haven’t heard about the project, please read some of the posts about it…

You’re also welcome to come join our IRC channel! It’s #mgmtconfig on Freenode.

Many special thanks to both conference organizers as well as Red Hat and the OSAS department for sponsoring my travel! Without it, visiting these places and interacting with new continents of hackers would be impossible.

Happy Hacking,


PS: We now have a community run twitter account. Check us out!