Upcoming speaking

I’ve got a few upcoming speaking engagements. If you’ll be attending one of these events, come see me or any of the other excellent speakers!

Please remember to check the official schedules in case there are any changes!

I’ll be speaking at the Brussels CentOS Dojo:

Automated Infrastructure Testing with Oh-My-Vagrant
…and the CentOS CI

Time/date unconfirmed: I’ll be showing some CI tricks, and showing you how the CentOS CI is the perfect CI for multi-machine test environments.


I’ll be speaking at FOSDEM:

TL;DR on legal strategy for commercial ventures
An abridged review of legal strategy and licensing issues for commercial ventures and enterprises

30/Jan/2016 (Saturday) @ 18:00: I’ll be giving my first ever “legal” talk!


Oh, My! Oh-My-Vagrant (with live demos!)
Oh-My-Vagrant development environments for hackers

31/Jan/2016 (Sunday) @ 16:30: A short Oh-My-Vagrant talk with a few live demos.


I’ll be speaking at Config Management Camp:

Next Generation Config Mgmt
A prototype for a next generation config management tool, and the specific problems this design solves.

02/Feb/2016 (Tuesday) @ 11:00: I’ll be introducing my magnum opus for 2016. Particularly excited about this presentation.


I’ll be speaking at DevConf.cz:

Next Generation Config Mgmt
A prototype for a next generation config management tool, and the specific problems this design solves.

06/Feb/2016 (Saturday) @ 14:00: I’ll be repeating the same presentation from Config Management Camp, but with renewed enthusiasm!


If you want to hack on something or talk about tech, I’ll be at the above mentioned events, so feel free to ping me or contact me.

