Puppet-Gluster now available as RPM

I’ve been afraid of RPM and package maintaining [1] for years, but thanks to Kaleb Keithley, I have finally made some RPM’s that weren’t generated from a high level tool. Now that I have the boilerplate done, it’s a relatively painless process!

In case you don’t know kkeithley, he is a wizard [2] who happens to also be especially cool and hardworking. If you meet him, be sure to buy him a $BEVERAGE. </plug>

A photo of kkeithley after he (temporarily) transformed himself into a wizard penguin.

A photo of kkeithley after he (temporarily) transformed himself into a wizard penguin.

The full source of my changes is available in git.

If you want to make the RPM’s yourself, simply clone the puppet-gluster source, and run: make rpm. If you’d rather download pre-built RPM’s, SRPM’S, or source tarballs, they are all being graciously hosted on download.gluster.org, thanks to John Mark Walker and the gluster.org community.

These RPM’s will install their contents into /usr/share/puppet/modules/. They should work on Fedora or CentOS, but they do require a puppet package to be installed. I hope to offer them in the future as part of a repository for easier consumption.

There are also RPM’s available for puppet-common, puppet-keepalived, puppet-puppet, puppet-shorewall, puppet-yum, and even puppetlabs-stdlib. These are the dependencies required to install the puppet-gluster module.

Please let me know if you find any issues with any of the packages, or if you have any recommendations for improvement! I’m new to packaging, so I probably made some mistakes.

Happy Hacking,


[1] package maintainer, aka: “paintainer” – according to semiosis, who is right!

[2] wizard as in an awesome, talented, hacker.

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